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Capacitive Touch Sensors


Mostly applied control device is probably simple pushbutton. Computer keyboard contain a lot of such buttons. Computer mouse, TV remote control, PDA, phone, electronic tools, toys, homes and cars are full of buttons. This is simple device, but -thanks to mechanic parts- also common source of problems. Limited lifetime often limits lifetime of the product itself.

Electronic systems with mechanical buttons also have to contain special circuits, that improve noisy input signal. Or there have to be spent processor resources to make this input signals applicable. In addition, the machanical construction is much more complicated.

There is a solution: Capacitive touch sensors. This kind of touch sensors solve all this problems and brings new possibilities like scroll bars or jog wheels. Touch sensors are free of mechanical parts, output signal is clear and system construction is very simple.

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Prinicple of capacitive touch sensors is not new, but what is quite new, is the technology background. To become a word leader in the field of touch sensors, it requires a years of development and testing. We offer excellently reliable sensors, clear to designer and simple to user.

Compared to some other competitor's products, TS devices detects frequency change caused by near conductive object (finger f.e.). Strong point is in time division and multiple-frequency architecture. Sensors have built-in differential compensation, so it automaticly adapts to environment changes (like temperature or humidity). Tuned noise elimination circuit makes the device safe and reliable.

TS sensors have wide operating temperature range, exellent noise immunity, low number of external components, compact design and are provided with number of additional functions.
Try it yourself ;-)

, 2025